Science storybooks and resources for British Science Week 2022

With British Science Week just around the corner (11-20th March 2020), here are some ideas for activities in keeping with this year’s theme of “Growth“. What do you want to be when you grow up? Instead of focusing on growing plants or animals, a different take on the theme could be to ask the question,…

How to Use Stories to Teach Children About Science

Storytelling is a powerful tool used to convey knowledge and engage an audience. Reading stories is a common and enjoyable practice for many children. Stories help to make facts more memorable, allow readers to connect with characters and receive information in a meaningful context. In education, stories are used to teach students about the English…

8 Benefits of Reading Science Storybooks

Children can gain a lot from reading more science stories. As well as enjoyment and education, there are a few other benefits too that you might not expect! 1. Improved understanding of science This is probably the most obvious benefit! Reading stories with accurate science concepts allows children to gain a greater understanding of science….