Who Might You Be? Cover

Who might you be explores the animals in your garden, how they interact with one another and how we classify them.

As readers follow the story, trying to guess the identity of our main character, we meet mammals, amphibians, fish, birds and insects and learn about their features and habitats.

This story addresses many common misconceptions including that animals are all furry with four legs, that humans are not animals and confusion over certain classifications.

Age 5-7

Matches the curriculum for Years 1-2.


Covers curriculum topics Animals, including Humans and Living Things and their Habitats.

Rated 9.5/10

For how likely readers would be to recommend.

Feedback from readers…

Enjoyed the guessing element

The children enjoyed the guessing element. I liked how the story recapped the facts throughout.

Primary School Teacher

Lovely tone

This has such a lovely tone and really easy to follow. Really suits the topics KS1 cover.

Primary School Teacher

Learning through fun

Use of rhyme is excellent for this age group to encourage learning through fun.


Accompanying resources

Explore these free downloadable resources designed to complement the story.